I began my journey into integrative health in 2011 at the age of 23, where I started taking a conscious based health approach through the BodyTalk System.
From birth, I've struggled with numerous health issues such as asthma, breathing, flus and constant infections.
As I got older, the health issues varied from migraines, chronic fatigue, severe low back pain, sluggish metabolism and immune system, chronic sinus, throat and chest infections, disrupted sleep, cervical problems, hormonal imbalances, depression, extreme stress over health concerns, unregulated nervous system, insomnia and fibromyalgia even misdiagnosed with MS.
I had so much emotional suppression throughout the years dealing with bullying, anxiety, multiple MVA's, abuse and a long-term stalker, I knew I had to find something where the medical system and justice system was not helping.
These physical issues were not rooted in the physical, there is only so far the 3d world can assist you when the root cause is more emotional/spiritual.
As a divine creator, we all can create and uncreate many of these circumstances.
I was sick and tired of being sick and tired; I was tired of being cynical, negative, low energy and low moods. I was tired of giving up on myself and on life - I knew there was a bigger purpose for me and I had to dig deep to find it.
I was successful in my corporate job but I hated my life. I found myself in empty, avoidant relationships time and time again and could not understand why no one could see the woman I was.
How could I be so successful yet SO "unlucky?"
Does this sound familiar to you?
Being so young and having these issues - I knew I couldn’t live life this way anymore. I needed to figure out what would work, and I have with all I've learned over the years. I am proud to say that all of my health issues have been resolved.
It was because I did not see myself, I was playing out old subconscious dynamics that I never would have saw without diving into energy work and soul work.
Currently, I am living the best version of myself I never thought was possible. I am energetic, radiant, I work with so many different female clients and get fantastic results.
I got to the bottom of my physical by addressing the energetics and dealing with the root causes emotionally and spiritually.
This is how I work with my clients as well. I offer insight, compassion, and practical ways to take action on the physical to support your spiritual growth.