Resources For Rebalancing The Nervous System

Brain Balancing Technique

Balancing the cortices has a significant effect on stress levels.

When a person contracts an illness or are involved in an accident of any kind, a certain amount of stress is created. 

Balancing the cortices appears to calm all the body’s systems. 

There’s an accompanying subjective increase in well-being.

You can use the cortex balancing technique for stress management, headaches, fatigue, fight/flight responses, shock, or just to maintain optimal brain health.

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Solfeggio Frequencies


Frequencies that I consider to be the ultimate life hack.

Issues with focus? Sleep? Creativity? Illness? Inspiration? Discipline?

I personally use these frequencies for all of the above, I have found it has been very beneficial for my neurodivergence as well. There isn't a one fits all approach, so pay attention to how you feel and find the right frequencies for you.



Solfeggio Harmonics

Alpha State


My Personal Playlist



Proper Breathing

There is emotional correlation as well to our breathing cycle. 

Our breath sets up a chain of events that influences every aspect of body function. Breathing in fully represents taking in life, breathing out fully represents the ability to let go. Our lungs expand and contract, which causes a rocking action in every part of thebody.

breathing technique
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Forgiveness is defined as the act of letting go of anger/resentment towards another who have made a mistake, offended you in some way, or a fault. 

This only works when it is genuine to you, it is not the only way to move forward, just one technique to work with emotional response to when you are wronged. 

Triple Heater Meridian 

Restful sleep is crucial for our bodies to run optimally. Triple Warmer is the meridian that controls our fight, flight, or freeze response. According to Donna Eden, the triple warmer impacts the immune system and our ability to manage stress. When it is activated, the body is on high alert. When you practice tracing your triple warmer meridian backward, it can sedate or calm the fight or flight response.

Song Of The Spine

In June Leslie Wieder’s book “Songs of the Spine,” each vertebra has a frequency to which it responds. By transmitting these frequencies in sequence, the aim is to get the spine back into good working conditions – in essence, to realign the vertebrae correctly.

Somatic Releasing

Somatic release is a series of small movements intended to relieve pain and excess tension which will calm your body and mind. The movements can all be done in place, whether you are standing or sitting, and no equipment is required.

8D Audio

8D Audio in those who are neurodivergent can stimulate multiple senses.Some effects it may have:


Stress relief

Positive mood

Full-body shivers (in a good way)

Polyvagal Release

This vagus nerve reset is designed to relieve stress and anxiety by restoring the social engagement state referenced in Polyvagal Theory developed by Stephen Porges. Vagus nerve exercises also turn off fight or flight in the sympathetic nervous system to release trauma stored in the body.

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